The Butterfly Effect

Have you ever heard of the Butterfly Effect? This term refers to the impact that each of us has on our peers, our family and our community. Every one of us has the ability, whether we are conscious of it or not, to have an effect on all the people surrounding us. Have you ever given any thought to this? Are you having a positive or negative effect on those around you?

Many of us don’t realize how our health habits are affecting our family and friends. We have all heard it said that our children “do what we do and not what we say”, but did you realize that the rest of our friends, coworkers and family members also follow our lead? If we are making bad food choices, we are influencing those around us. If we decide to sit on the couch and watch TV, we are sending very strong messages of what is important to those living with us.

This may be something that you have NEVER thought of before, but now is the time to change that. If everyone in our society approached their day with the thought, “How are my actions affecting those around me”, I believe we would make different choices.

I have been blessed over the past 14 years to be a part of hundreds of transformations; transformations of both the body and the mind. These victories are so exciting – I love to see people lose weight, become stronger and faster, or be able to feel better overall. But the most important impact that I love is the long term affect that these changes have on everyone surrounding us.

This Butterfly Effect changes all of us in such a profound way. I have seen clients who never ran before start running races; then their husband and kids start running with them and it becomes a family affair. I have seen people start cooking more at home and their families are strengthened by sharing conversation over the dinner table. These transformations are great to be able to watch, but what I am most excited for is the long term effects of these changes. I believe that by changing our lifestyles, we will have such a positive effect on the next generation. Our kids will grow up knowing how to be healthy and happy; knowing how to take care of their bodies and knowing that their decisions are affecting everyone around them.

So look at your lifestyle today and ask yourself “Who is watching”, and “What am I teaching them”. This will help you determine what decisions you want to make each and every day.

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