Why Me....Why Now?

So, why should you choose me to help you overcome your obstacles and create an abundant life - spirit, mind and body?
I have been a coach for the last 16 years and it is my passion to help people transform themselves and live their lives to the MAXIMUM. Early on in my career as a health coach and personal trainer I realized that most people would have to change their internal life before they could ever make any lasting changes in their external life. Their thoughts and emotions were not in alignment with the health goals that they wanted. I thought I had picked this career because I loved external transformation; which is super cool! But what I REALLY loved was the changes that occurred in my clients internally during the process of our time together. I realized that what excited me the most about my career was when I could mentor and work with clients and then see them get out of their own way and step outside the boxes that they had created for themselves.
It has ben a wonderful journey and I have seen some AMAZING results. And the results aren't just in the physical sense, they are truly transformations from the inside out. To have these results, I have learned that it is absolutely imperative that you seek out the root issues that are keeping you from living a healthy, vibrant life and work towards healing so that you are not just putting band-aids on the symptoms. This will allow the physical body to fall in line with the healing that is happening in the spiritual/mental/emotional body. Because every part of you is connected, you have to approach healing holistically so that you can flourish in every area of your life. But, doing this work alone is very difficult and turning that YOU into a WE will allow you to see Maximum results.
Sometimes you just need a person to believe in you until you can believe in yourself. Someone who will walk through healing of past issues and challenge you to take those uncomfortable steps needed to move out of the ashes of the past and rise up on the wings of eagles!
And that is what I do the Best! God has gifted me with being a motivator and activator and nothing gives me more pleasure than walking through this process with others.
It is Time to Create Lasting Change in your Life!
It is Time to Create The Life of your Dreams!