I am passionate about helping women live their lives to the Maximum!
Everyone has potential, but sometimes it is hard to tap into it because of our past hurts and circumstances. Our pasts can sometimes derail us from being healthy and living the life of greatness that God intended for us and I believe that living a life to the max requires a person to be healthy...healthy spiritually, healthy mentally and healthy physically!
I love speaking to women about numerous topics related to their health...teaching them how to move from a place of brokenness into a life of abundance!

Speaking Sample Video

From Pitiful To Powerful
(From 1-4 Sessions)
God wants to use all of us in a powerful way and yet, many women are sitting in their seats feeling broken and drowning in their pits. I love to use God's word to help lead women out of their pits and find healing and victory
Living in the Temple
(From 1-4 Sessions)
Women spend a lot of emotional energy on trying to lose weight so that they can look better and feel better about themselves.
Being a health coach for the last 14 years, I have given thousands of clients the "how to's" on weight loss including nutrition and exercise and yet, I believe that there is a missing link for life-long success and that is the God link.
I love delving into what God says about health and the real WHY of taking on the challenge of healthy living. And I truly believe it is high time for Christians to start looking at health in a new light - through the lens of Jesus!
Original Keynotes
I love taking an original topic and working together with Holy Spirit to create a compelling introduction to any conference.