Our God is Able

Our God is Able….
He is able to walk into our deepest hurts, our everyday irritations, our disappointments, and even our joy. He is able because He is BIG! He is Alpha and Omega – Beginning and End.
He is LIGHT. He is a light that is so pure it is almost painful to think about. It is a light absolutely devoid of darkness. A light so bright that darkness cannot even get close. His light is so intense that it would burn your eyes if you ever looked directly at Him. He is the light of the world.
He is LOVE. Not the small, puny love that we as humans know; a love that is conditional and has been watered down by using it as an expression for every little pleasure we experience. (Think about it….we love everything from our spouses to the Doritos we just ate) No, God is love untainted. God’s love is unconditional and has no expectations. He sees us for what we will be instead of what we are at this moment. His love is so strong that he allows us to have free will and make our own choices; whether good or bad; and He loves us regardless. God is LOVE.
He is so Big, so Pure, and so Good that we cannot begin to understand in our human condition how He loves. And yet we try. We try to take our idea of love and pretend that God loves like that. We really take ALL of our emotions and act like that is how God feels, when in reality, God is way to Big to ever feel emotions the same way we do. We tend to think that His anger is the same as ours and that His jealousy or sorrow are equivalent to anything we feel. Our emotions cannot be His because He is too Pure. Maybe we put our emotions on Him in an attempt to understand Him. Isn’t that our human need – to understand everything? Even though Proverbs 3:5 states “Lean not on your own understanding”? By putting human emotions on God, we put him in a box of our creation. A box, where God has limitations and struggles; where He isn’t all powerful or all seeing. We have taken the God of Creation and made him into a man made idol just like the Israelites did.
It is time to take God out of the box we put Him in and to BELIEVE (or maybe REMEMBER is a better word) that our God is Able! Our God is able to do immeasurably MORE than we ask or imagine!
He lives in us as Christ followers. He flows through our veins with His light. His power; His peace; His boldness…it is all INSIDE of us and we can and will do the things that Jesus did. We will go out and make disciples of the nations!
But we will only do this if we believe that He is Able and stop getting paralyzed by fear. Only if we remember Who we are in Christ can we be warriors in His Kingdom. He is ABLE…ALWAYS. But only if we choose. We will be the ones to choose whether we will walk in the freedom that His ability allots us. We choose life or death. He is Able, but are we going to choose to tap into that power? Will we decide to walk in peace, knowing that everything has already been taken care of? Will we choose to keep our eyes on Him so that we won’t be shaken?
I believe that my God is ABLE and I choose to believe that because He lives in me; that His LIGHT pulses through my veins – I am also ABLE!
What are you choosing to believe today?

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