Find Your “Tribe”

About 2 months ago as I was pulling up to a stop sign, I glanced over to my right and saw something that will forever change my thought process about the human race. I saw an “older” gentleman (about 70 by the looks of it) riding a Harley motorcycle. He was a very rough looking fella, complete with beard stubble, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and of course no helmet. He was dressed in the usual leather pants, sleeveless white t-shirt, but what got my attention was the  leather vest with a patch on the back of a notorious biker gang.

To say that this shocked me and made me look twice is an understatement. The dichotomy of this visual was intriguing because, like the majority of society I find myself being tolerant and understanding of teens and young adults doing outrageous, dangerous and sometimes just plain stupid things in order to “BELONG”. But, here was an elderly man still needing that same validation and it hit me like a ton of bricks. We ALL have that same need to belong – to be a part of something – a part of a like minded group. We are all looking for our tribe!

Very few people are born to forge ahead before their fellow humans – to pave the way. The majority of people need to find others that are like-minded and can help them navigate the ups and downs of life. That is why so many teens seemingly go “off the deep end”. They don’t feel that they belong anywhere – they mistakenly think that no one understands what they are going through. This can lead to becoming part of the “wrong crowd” or even to joining a gang. This isn’t just a young person’s phenomenon. People are looking for anyone that will accept them into their group.

So, with all this being said, how do you find YOUR tribe? If you are out in this crazy, messed up world feeling totally alone – don’t be! Everyone has interests and dreams and a purpose. It may take some trial and error – meeting many new people and finding out if they are a fit – but you will ultimately find those with common interests that will help support you through the thick and thin!

Start first by listing all your interests. Do you like to read? How about working out? Maybe you are really into your faith. List them all out and then start looking for groups in your town that cater to your interests. Joining these groups may not lead you to your ultimate tribe – however, it will be a great step in the right direction.

You may also have a goal that you can find others with a common goal. A good example of this is a goal of weight loss. This is a great way to stay on track and have some support and accountability. This is going to require that you put your goal “out there” for everyone to see. You can’t meet others with the same goal if you they don’t know about it.

Finding a tribe based on purpose. This may take a little more work because a purpose goes beyond a goal. It is a deep desire to BE THE CHANGE. It will again take being very open and putting your thoughts and feelings “out there” before you meet others with the same purpose. But this tribe can be a very big catalyst to helping you become the person you have always wanted to be.

As you can see, the common denominator here is that YOU must take steps towards finding your tribe. If you want something to change – to not live in isolation – it is going to require you to be vulnerable and put yourself in an uncomfortable position, maybe even more than once. As you start reaching out to people you will find that others are going to be drawn to you. You will attract what you put out to the world. Your fearlessness will start to inspire others and they will want to be part of your tribe. So, take the leap today. Don’t sit back in fear and remain lonely and isolated. We ALL need a tribe! All it takes is stepping outside your box – reaching out a little – and your life will forever be changed for the better because of the relationships you will make and the friendships that will be built. Humans were made by God for relationship. When you find your tribe you will start to grow and feel more fulfilled.

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